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Living with Metastatic BC
Caregivers & Families

Breast Cancer
News, Articles & Trends
4 min read
Breast Cancer and The Transgender Community
#FeatureFriday As we continue to celebrate LGBTQIA+ Pride Month, this week we are featuring several articles and stories about...
3 min read
Breast Cancer and The Lesbian Community
#FeatureFriday As we enter LGBTQIA+ Pride Month, we want to take the next few weeks to highlight this community and the unique...
2 min read
Therapy and Breast Cancer
#FeatureFriday As we reach the end of May, which marks Mental Health Awareness Month, it feels as appropriate a time as any to discuss...
3 min read
#FeatureFriday “Cause you know, I just can't stand To see, see you'all pushed around ‘Cause when things go wrong, Wrong with you, It...
3 min read
Breast Cancer and Shingles
#FeatureFriday Breast cancer and shingles. Is there a relationship? Studies indicate that there may be a correlation. Talk about one’s...

3 min read
Metaplastic Breast Cancer
By, Candace Bloomstrand #FeatureFriday Metaplastic Breast Cancer is a very rare form of breast cancer that originates in the milk duct of...
3 min read
Writing As A Therapeutic And Creative Outlet
#FeatureFriday Writing can serve as a therapeutic and creative outlet. More specifically, journaling offers opportunities for expression...

2 min read
You, Your Environment, and Your Breast Health
#FeatureFriday Yesterday, Thursday, April 22nd marked the 51st anniversary of Earth Day. What started in 1970 with over 20 million...

2 min read
The Benefits of Acupressure
#FeatureFriday 2020 was a year that forced doctors, patients and their caregivers to rethink how they work together–virtual appointments...

3 min read
Adolescents and Young Adults (AYA) with Breast Cancer
#FeatureFriday Almost 90,000 “young people,” defined as anyone aged 15-39, are diagnosed with cancer each year in the United States...
3 min read
Financial Literacy and Breast Cancer
#FeatureFriday It's no secret that money is a major cause of stress for far too many people. A breast cancer diagnosis can certainly be a...

4 min read
Women's History Month and Breast Cancer
By, Candace Bloomstrand #FeatureFriday Every March we celebrate Women's History Month to commemorate the contributions that women have...
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