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Living with Metastatic BC
Caregivers & Families
Breast Cancer
News, Articles & Trends
3 min read
My Animal Companion Has Been With Me Throughout Breast Cancer
By Kristen Carter Dear Kristen, I'm really struggling with intense sadness and loss since I had to say goodbye to my emotional support...
4 min read
Tips for Managing Mood Swings and Breast Cancer
By Kristen Carter Dear Kristen, Do you have any suggestions for dealing with moodiness? Between the stress of having breast cancer and...
4 min read
Reconnect With Your Inner Strengths
Dear Kristen, Having breast cancer is wearing me down in so many ways, not just physically. I used to be so full of life and energy, and...
3 min read
How To Deal With Brain Fog
By Kristen Carter Dear Kristen, What ideas do you have for dealing with brain fog? Dear Reader, This is a topic close to my heart – or...
4 min read
Dealing with the Stress of Having Metastatic Breast Cancer (MBC)
Dear Kristen, How do you deal with the stress of having metastatic breast cancer (MBC)? I am always anxious and some days are...
3 min read
Why Won't My Teenager Talk To Me About My Diagnosis?
Dear Kristen, My teenage daughter doesn’t want to hear anything about my cancer; it upsets her and she prefers to pretend I’m fine. She...
3 min read
Creating Your Legacy
#FeatureFriday Dear Kristen, I’m planning to beat this disease, but I am aware of my mortality like never before. Do you have any ideas...
4 min read
Do Positive Thoughts Help You Heal?
By Kristen Carter Dear Kristen, I’ve always been a positive person and I’m trying to stay positive since my recent cancer diagnosis, but...
2 min read
Reassurance for Genetic Testing
By Kristen Carter Dear Kristen, I know I should do genetic testing so it can inform my family, especially my daughters, but I’m nervous...
2 min read
How to Feel Positive About Life Again
By Kristen Carter Dear Kristen, I had these great dreams for the future, but now that I’ve had breast cancer I’m afraid to look ahead....
3 min read
Coping with Survivor's Guilt
By Kristen Carter Dear Kristen, As someone living with MBC, it's hard not to go down rabbit holes, especially as we are seeing a lot of...
4 min read
No Matter Your Weight, Shape, or Size, You Matter.
By Kristen Carter Dear Kristen, I have gained six or seven pounds since I finished chemo and began taking Letrozole. Nothing fits, I...
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