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An Impure Vessel, I dare think not

By Anonymous

Has my body become an impure vessel?

Contaminated, polluted, tainted, weakened?

Or have I come whole again?

Unadulterated, unalloyed, ultra pure?

Has surgery, chemotherapy and radiation

Altered the chemical balance

That ultimately manifests itself

In my very essence?

I refuse to think of myself as tainted, diluted or thinned,

Instead I’d rather enjoy the thought of a fine restoration,

Enabling me to overcome the gnarly essence of


For who am I to become?

Don’t I have the most input?

Going forward, thinking it through

Am I enough?

Shall I reach out and offer myself

To a community in need,

Or re-situate within the comfort

And confines of myself?

The answer is contained above.


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