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Treat, Scan, Repeat: Living with Metastatic Breast Cancer

Updated: Jun 30, 2021

By Vicki McDonald

I have been living with metastatic breast cancer since 10/13/17.  Diagnosed at age 46 on what I would later learn is Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness day. I am a Mom of 2 successful adults and 2 teenagers and a Grandma to one beautiful granddaughter. I have found strength and courage I didn’t know existed  while on this roller coaster.

Treat. Scan. Repeat. For the rest of my life.

I am forever in some sort of treatment to survive. I know I am fortunate. I have made it past the terrifying statistics. I am still  on my first line of treatment. I have found there are advantages of having your mortality looming overhead like a black umbrella- I have been creating messages of love for each child in case I miss out on special events- I want them to forever feel me “cheering for them”.  

I have learned to find something that makes me smile everyday. I appreciate nature and friendships so very much. I have made and unfortunately lost many new friends all over the world in support groups , beautiful young ladies stolen from us too soon . We need more research. Less ribbons. 

In life it’s not if will be tough, it’s when.  I am not afraid of dying, I fear the  heartbreak of those I will be leaving behind.


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