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Out Damn Spot

By William Laferriere

Out damn spot

exclaimed the iniquitous Lady M

In William’s foremost tale

her fears well accounted for

And the psychological toll

knavishly awaiting all

Out damn spot

Out damn spot

fill those diagnosed dreams

A metastasizing growth

proves every bit as daunting

As the Lady M’s infamous lament

so we too think, walk and talk about

Out damn spot

Out damn spot

when the Lady somehow manages

To fall into a fitful sleep

she’s plagued by the nightmare

Of blood and death on her hands

her dreams too are made of iron and steel

Out damn spot

Out damn spot

she rubs her hands

And tries to erase

“here’s yet a spot” she laments

“The small of blood still”

she cries out in desperation

Out damn spot

Out damn spot

the grief, the guilt

Sleep no more becomes the haunt

and what is to become

Of the life we so anticipated

the anatomy of grief prevails

Out damnable spot


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