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Sisters by Diagnosis

Updated: Apr 28, 2022

By Brookshire McDonald

Women supporting each other

My mother always said

A sister for me would never be.

I didn’t know at the time

My dad had had a vasectomy.

Fast forward

To a two time diagnosis of breast cancer

Followed by a support group

Which held the answer.

I gained a large group of sisters

The very first day;

And I love each of you

In a very special way.

My mom has died

And can look down to see she was wrong

While counting all the sisters

To whom I belong.

I feel looking down

She’s happy as can be,

As I attained

What she couldn’t provide for me.

Pardon my adding a gaining sisters Anniversary

To this event

Though no formal invitations

Really ever got sent.

The honorees are present

Among us tonight

As I celebrate gaining sisters

With much delight.

Happy Anniversary

And Happy Soirée, too

To each of you

Who made my dream come true!


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