By William Laferriere

A recent proclamation from
The US Surgeon General
Provides a warning…
Fair enough
He describes the rise of
Feelings of loneliness, of fatigue
and diminishing self worth…
And of course the associated rise of despair
That insidious feeling of no longer
Having any hope
Can be quite debilitating…
Is there a lifeline to be thrown?
Successful mitigation of that threat
Requires outreach, community and effort
For alone we see difficulties…
With others a vision of hope
For a Mental Health Crisis
To be narrowly averted
Seek a positive consciousness…
And drive a notable fundamental shift
So let’s collectively meet the moment
And brush transitory politics aside
For Navigation requires an all encompassing effort…
Regardless of vessel
It’s based in caring
A discernment of courage
A removal of stigma…
Progressing towards the cure
Seek help it’s out there.