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I Laugh More, Pray More, and Forgive More

Meet Rosy, Misdiagnosed At 45 And Diagnosed At 47

I’m a widow.

At 45, I was misdiagnosed.

A mammogram screening missed the lump.

I was told it was a cyst, that it was hormonal,

and that it would go away.

After two years with the lump growing, I took charge and went to a different doctor. They did a biopsy and the results came back...

I was diagnosed with breast cancer: invasive ductal carcinoma, stage 2, grade 3.

I did genetic testing because I have 2 sisters and a teenage daughter, and I wanted peace of mind.

Thank God my cancer wasn’t genetic, making me the first in my family to have cancer.

I consulted 3 different doctors because I was in denial. But finally, I met a great team of doctors at Mays UT MD Anderson Cancer Center.

Chemo: June 8, 2017-October 2017

Successful Partial Mastectomy: November 2017

13 lymph nodes removed (By the grace of God, all were negative.)

Radiation: February 2018-March 9th, 2018 (I was given an awesome certificate!)

​I felt very proud and blessed because God had my back all the time.

I am currently in active treatments (Herceptin + Zoladex), and I should say with pride and joy that there is No Evidence of Disease!

My routine to keeping cancer cells dormant are: prayer, exercise, and eating a balanced diet.

I have integrated weights into my exercise routine, and I walk faithfully. I call them my "faithful4Life" walks. I laugh more, pray more, and forgive more.

​My diet is not a diet; it’s a lifestyle to help me restore my health! This is my story and I am very blessed to share it with you!

Thank you for sharing your story, Rosy. SBC loves you! Resources & Support:


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